Very excited to have the opportunity to portray King John this month!
We have a large and talented cast involved in this production. And Im so happy to have a chance to explore this character, in this rarely produced play.
The language is very exciting, per usual via Shakespeare, but I was not expecting this particular one to have so much. The director and I have been exploring the impulsive side of King John – an emotionaly driven unpredictability that is less than “kingly”. It seems very much supported in the text- What with his relying on his mothers counsel, his passionate disagreements with the legate of the pope, and nearly instant regret upon every course of action.
The show runs through May 18th and if you have never seen it before I highly encourage you to check it out for the sheer variety of characters and a quick, almost modern, episodic pace! Details Here
I was sooo disappointed that No One from my own theatre company, Playhouse Creatures, came to this show. 🙁
Oh well, it’s hard to not get tunnel vision while working in New York. But still, it’s also hard to be in a company that you don’t even hang out or support each other in major projects like this was for me. In spite of that, I had a very rewarding/challenging experience exploring this role.